Power Field Studio

Power Field Studio

domingo, 25 de setembro de 2016

Tomb Raider - Minha Trilha Sonora Efeitos Sonoros - Video

Tomb Raider - My Soundtrack and Sound Design 

By Bruno Cantinho

Hi Everyone, as usual I got this idea a couple months ago, since I heard the Tomb Raider (Video Games) was back again.

Then, again, I did the download the teaser and edit the clip. The first task was edit the voice of caracter. I used severa plugins, as gate, compressor, EQ and more gate to get as much as possible only the voice of caracter.

You see watching the video that there are little strings in some parts during the video.

Now was time to work on soundtrack. The clip as it self gave me the whole idea what kind of music I have to make. I start with basic drum first and change the EQ, reverb and add more taiko drums on bass drum. After that I started to add the strings. In the end I decided to keep on this way, only drums and strings on entire clip.

For the he sound design since the beginning I put  the sound of the winds, airplane and the steps more to end of the clip, I keep some original partas such as Tomb Raider Hit the Glacier Wall and the crack starts to come in and the torch.

I hope you enjoin this demo any comments will always welcome.

See you next time.

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