Power Field Studio

Power Field Studio

sexta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2017

Bandcamp Libera Os Números De 2017 Incluindo Fitas Cassete

Bandcamp Releases 2017 Year-End Numbers, Including Mind-Boggling Cassette Tape Stats

'Tis the season to look back at all that has happened in the past year, as New Year's Day hurtles closer and closer (it's Monday!). Today, Bandcamp got in on the fun, via a blog post by engineer Ben Walker that detailed a few notable, and surprising, trends the company saw in 2017.
Most notably, the company announced that 500 bands set up a Bandcamp page each day in 2017, or approximately 182,500 new bands in the calendar year -- and each page in that tally, the blog post notes, is an active one with music uploaded to it, rather than a placeholder or dormant one. And the post also noted that the new Bandcamp app, which was introduced Oct. 31 and provides users with real-time statistics and merchandising capabilities, has already seen 36,000 artists and labels begin using it in less than two months.
But the bulk of the blog post centers on a more unusual, and definitely surprising, metric: cassette tapes. According to Walker, 17,872 tapes were released on Bandcamp in the past year, equating to around 50 tapes per day and one every 29 minutes; in total, artists on the platform sold 22.6 years worth of tapes overall. As the post notes, "That’s 17,076 km of beautiful, crunchy tape. You could wrap it around the moon and still have enough left over to spool gently off the back of a raft as you travel the entire length of the Amazon River."
(For those less familiar with the metric system, those 17,000-plus km equate to about 10,600 miles. If you're keeping track at home, the circumference of the moon is around 6,786 miles, while the length of the Amazon River is approximately 4,345 miles, which means... well, it's close enough. The point stands.)
Parsing a few other data points, Walker notes that Atlas is once again the most popular band name on Bandcamp, with 77 artists using that in their name (six more joined the list in 2017); in terms of new bands (those that uploaded their first release this year), Apollo tops the list at 13 artists, with Grim coming in at No. 2 (10 artists) and BloomIndigo and Nova all tied at No. 3 (nine apiece). And, proving that we just can't get enough of that nostalgic feeling, the most popular album title in 2017 was Home, with 130 releases using that title this year (up from 115 in 2016); a four-way tie for second, with 71 titles apiece, includes LostMemoriesVoid and Waves. In a maybe-not-surprising upset, the title Love fell from a three-way tie for third-highest in 2016 down to 10th in 2017, though only one fewer album was released with that title this year (54) than last (55).
Below is the rundown of most-popular new band names and album titles of 2017, and check out the full blog post here.
Band names
Apollo (13)
Grim (10)
Bloom (9)
Indigo (9)
Nova (9)
King (8)
Void (8)
Milk (7)
David (6)
Smith (5)
Album titles
Home (130 albums released in 2017)
Lost (71)
Memories (71)
Void (71)
Waves (71)
Reflections (70)
Blue (64)
Dreams (62)
Bloom (58)
Love (54)

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