Power Field Studio

Power Field Studio

segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2016

Quem Ganhará A Batalha Nos Serviços De Música No Streaming

Who Will Win The Battle Of The Music Streaming Services?

Answer by Glen Sears, music industry digital strategist & web developer, on Quora:
The future of music streaming services might look like this:
  1. From a business development perspective the big question is whether or not standalone streaming can ever generate long-term profit. Companies like Spotify, Apple, Google, Napster, and others are iterating so quickly to develop the “gotta-have-it” feature set that will send their paid user count through the roof and tip the economies of scale in their direction.
  2. From a technology perspective the big question is what users want. Everyone is pretty darn comfy with the $10/month price point of streaming services, and getting them to budge will require a massive technology driver. TIDAL tried it with high-def audio. Maybe VR?
  3. From a royalty and payments perspective the big question is who can deliver global royalties fastest, most efficiently, and most accurately. Companies like MediaNet, SOCAN, Cobalt, and others are pouring countless dollars and hours into building the payment pipelines of the future.
The future of streaming music belongs to whomever’s vision of that future bears enough possible ROI to continue generating outside financing into the foreseeable future.

Personally, I hope the future of streaming music integrates live concert experiences—presented in real time—and possibly VR or AR. There are so many concerts I’d love to attend but can’t for geographical reasons. Pipe them into my home, though, and I might very well pay a “digital experience” ticket price.

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